
??=[basics.bends] There are special versions of |to|-arrows that go `around' a neighbor entry and point to something `behind' it: here are the horizontal ones:

$\displaystyle \spreaddiagramcolumns$-1pc$\displaystyle \diagram$
$\displaystyle \txt$$\displaystyle \tt { \string\lltou\string^a \\
\string\lltod\string^a }
...txt\tt { \string\rrtou\string^a \\
\string\rrtod\string^a }
\\ &

There are similar vertical ones named ??c![], ??c![], ??c![], and ??c![], and there is a special set of `self' arrows:

$\displaystyle \spreaddiagramrows$-1pc$\displaystyle \diagram$
|$\displaystyle \toul^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \toul^{a}_{}$ & |$\displaystyle \tour^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \tour^{a}_{}$
|$\displaystyle \todl^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \todl^{a}_{}$ & |$\displaystyle \todr^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \todr^{a}_{}$
& $\displaystyle \diagram$


$\displaystyle \spreaddiagramrows$-1pc$\displaystyle \diagram$
|$\displaystyle \tolu^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \tolu^{a}_{}$ & |$\displaystyle \toru^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \toru^{a}_{}$
|$\displaystyle \told^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \told^{a}_{}$ & |$\displaystyle \tord^{a}_{}$|$\displaystyle \tord^{a}_{}$
& $\displaystyle \diagram$

??c[]??c[]??c[]??c[]These only exist for the |to| line style. In section ??[arrows.bend] we explain how other variants can be constructed.

x \rrtou\vert f && f(x) \lltod\...
\answertext{The author did \displaycode}